Jesus said, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly." John 10:10

Friday, July 8, 2011

I speak Right Brain

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. - Ephesians 2:10

When updating Facebook page information I was asked to enter the languages I spoke. I was first taken back by the question, but then decided that this was information necessary in order for users to better communicate with each other. So I entered "Right Brain". Yes, I speak Right Brain. The social media did not find this an acceptable answer, but I was not hurt or discouraged and this is why. It has been within the last 15 years that I was sitting at my kitchen counter with tears uncontrollably running down my face, my hands pounding at my temples and crying out again and again. "What's wrong with my brain? What's wrong with my brain? GOD PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! I was convinced that there was something wrong with me and I knew God could change and heal my bounce-around, upside-down, and at times sideways thinking brain.
Well he did!!! He changed and healed me, but not in the way I expected. You see He didn't change the way my brain worked. He changed the way I thought about HOW my brain worked!
What I knew as my greatest weakness was actually a God given gift! It wasn't hidden or camouflaged, it was right there in plain sight and being viewed and treated as a handicap!!! The change and healing didn't happen overnight. It was days, months and years of trusting that from the beginning, I was created just the way God had planned and for a purpose. Now, after co authoring books, tapping's and speaking on how to open your home and entertain simply with unusual creative ideas, I live in thankfulness and joyful anticipation of how He will use this Right Brain Gift to His glory!!!!

My suggestion is this. Take a look at what you consider your weaknesses. They just might be your gifts!!!!!

Facebook Page:  Fearless Entertaining
Twitter:   CathStrange


  1. Much food for thought! Thank you!

  2. This was a very encouraging post. I, too, am often challenged by the way my brain works. I appreciate the challenge to re-think what I consider weaknesses and consider that they may be gifts.
